Understanding how an organization works is critical for senior leaders to make the right decisions. Alec helps you ask the right questions to diagnose, understand, measure and develop solutions that improve strategy execution.
Whether you need to understand what Millennials want, increase employee engagement and performance, build cross functional systems aligned with the operating model, or increase profitability for your company, Alec’s expertise with people, systems and organizations helps companies get to the critical insights to build solutions that create effective organizations.
Alec helps companies identify how to maximize the ROI of investing in people: target financial investments to mutually benefit the organization and its talent, the most valuable asset that walks out the door every night and needs to be maximally engaged while on the job.
Alec’s diagnostics and solutions enable companies to overcome silo behavior, craft cross-functional solutions that align decision rights with the operating model, increase the speed of quality decision making, improve the allocation of people and financial resources, increase team and business unit effectiveness, and improve strategy execution.
Alec’s solutions optimize work and company performance through organization design and organizational capability analytics that simultaneously address challenges with individual performance, team performance, business unit performance, and end-to-end enterprise performance.
ALEC LEVENSON can be reached at:
Center for Effective Organizations
Marshall School of Business
University of Southern California
1149 S. Hill Street, #500
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Email: alevenson@marshall.usc.edu
Cell/Direct: +1-310-991-7215